Blue Cheese

I developed this recipe to try to duplicate an excellent blue cheese available in the United States called “Saga Blue.” It starts with a simple “Farmer’s Cheese” Neufchâtel should also do fine as a starting curd. An inoculum of Penicillium from a cheese you are duplicating is added to the curd, and aeration holes are created so that air can enter the cheese. Temperature and humidity need to be controlled so that aging proceeds at the correct rate, and the cheese does not dry out, nor “weep” with moisture.

I have adhered to my principle of trying to keep the equipment and materials as simple and readily available as possible, so I hope you won’t mind, for instance, using a Phillips screwdriver to create the holes in the curd…


  • Blender (suspending inoculum can be done by hand)
  • Cheese press
  • Sterile clean handkerchiefs (sterilized by boiling water in it for 5 minutes prior to use)
  • Thermometer reading in the 0-40 C (50-100 F) range
  • Large Phillips screwdriver or other sterilizable rod
  • “Cool box” (refrigerator set to 10 C (50 F)


  • Drained curds from “Farmer’s Cheese”
  • 1 teaspoon of uncontaminated “Saga Blue” cheese (or other selected blue cheese to use as an inoculum)


  1. In a blender, blend 1 teaspoon of uncontaminated blue cheese (I used “Saga Blue”) with 1/4 cup of cool clean water to create a smooth suspension of cheese (the inoculum).
  2. Pour the inoculum over the salted curds, toss to mix thoroughly.
  3. Line the press with a sterile handkerchief (sterilized by boiling), and load the curd. Press lightly so that the curd are not compressed together, but instead retain air spaces within the cheese.
  4. Leave in the press overnight
  5. Related
  6. Home Made Cheese Press
  7. Farmer’s Cheese
  8. Neufchâtel